Thursday, January 28, 2010

Implementing 2010 Technology

I probably am the biggest resistor of technology. I am the definition of a classic laggard. Last week i decided to commit to creating a Facebook page for my football team. I made it a requirement for all players, coaches and parents to sign up. I post daily at 6:00 am the news for the day. Every fan of the page is supposed to check in and receive my important updates. I see this as a fast way to get the word out, also I have a way to prove that information was dispursed should ever the need arise. I commited to this project and I wil see it through this season. At the end of the season I can make a judgement to continue using this technology or not. So far so good though.

This master's program has exposed me to a lot of new concepts, ideas and technologies. I do not seek the need to be cutting edge. However I do see a need for growth and exposure is needed to evolve into a better leader/coach. I realize also an open mind allows opportunities to flourish.


  1. We have all our players become fans of our page as well. Great to get a bulk message out quicly.

  2. We are tied as far as resisting goes. I am not a huge fan of 95% of this stuff. It has its place though, and I am trying to open my mind as well.
